
Our experience with mining, minerals and associated industries is extensive and in-depth and has consumed much of our energy and time for the last 35 years.

Across many commodities, countries and all continents except Antarctica we have worked together with executives and managers in the iron ore, bauxite, gold, copper, graphite, coal, nickel, oil and gas industries. We have developed a reputation for knowing and appreciating the context in which such people work, advising them in practical and useful ways, and working with them to deliver results that stick.

Some Resources Clients

Some of the challenges we have addressed for our Resources clients

Some of the tools and approaches we have used

Why us for coaching

At Dalmau Consutling we have years of experience working with executives just like you who are trying to get your team to swim in a single direction. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus consectetur, est sed scelerisque molestie, sem enim tincidunt mauris, non egestas metus sem et lacus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis.

How we work together

Step 1
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Step 2
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Step 3
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