
We are known for the positive and strategic contributions we have made in the field of healthcare in Australia, NZ, the UK and the USA.

We are regularly approached by leaders of larger institutions such as government agencies, departments and military services. We have worked with stand-up incident management teams, departmental executives and their teams, senior military health groupings, groups of specialists, as well as font line clinical leaders and their teams. Our experience covers working alongside and with those responsible for heart, lung and kidney transplants, epilepsy, emergency and trauma medicine, font line active service military triage, stroke management, mental health, radiation oncology, policy formulation, and public health. Settings have ranged from community practices to large quaternary care institutions and mobile African remote medical service delivery.

Some Healthcare Clients

Some of the challenges we have addressed for our Healthcare clients

Some of the tools and approaches we have used

Why us for coaching

At Dalmau Consutling we have years of experience working with executives just like you who are trying to get your team to swim in a single direction. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus consectetur, est sed scelerisque molestie, sem enim tincidunt mauris, non egestas metus sem et lacus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis.

How we work together

Step 1
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Step 2
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Step 3
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Start the conversation