The unthinkable has happened and the world is going through a deep transformation the extent of which has not been seen for nearly 100 years; plans that could be made with some confidence against 2 to 5 year horizons now don’t even last more than 3 – 4 months.
Business leaders often find their business models challenged and even shredded on the floor of Covid and its consequences or the brutal gap between social expectations and business realities.
In this context strategic planning is almost an oxymoron. But the need for a well thought out yet responsive strategy is needed more than ever.
Applying a whole of systems approach we start by helping executives understand the nature of the dilemmas they face in these chaotic times, what is actually possible and what they are called to do, and to be. Strategy today is a far cry from used to be, but it is both possible and needed more than ever. Moreover it needs to be connected to the wider organization and even to the community in which the organization sits.
In this context we work with the CEO and those charged with developing strategy to use the most appropriate process and methodologies to chart the way forward. They are invariably processes that are a far cry from those even as late as 5 years ago.
But more than this, 40 years of facilitating strategy development with leaders in diverse roles and companies has enabled us to bring an enhanced level of insight to our work with today’s decision makers.